Through our vast network of experts and strong partnerships with local teams, we connect with the
finest talent to deliver tailored and sustainable solutions. Our leadership and commitment to value-driven partnerships are guided by recognized, evidence-based models.
Country: Pakistan
Financier: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Client: Local Government Elections and Rural Development Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Duration: 2023 - 2025
The project aims to improve the urban population's livability and community health in five cities and two regions in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
The project scope covers master planning, feasibility studies, engineering design, and procurement of urban development projects within the water treatment and supply, wastewater treatment and sewerage networks, solid waste management, and the development of green urban spaces. The project will also support the institutional restructuring and development of the participating cities. The project will improve health and livelihoods for 1 million people.
Country: China
Financier: French Development Agency (AFD)
Client: Pingnan Zhijin Development Co., Ltd.
Duration: 2021 - 2026
The project aims to improve Pingnan County’s ecological and living environment, bring nature and biodiversity back into the city of Pingnan, strengthen ecological and landscape continuity, and enhance the county’s resilience to the impacts of climate change.
The project focus on the introduction and design of Nature Based Solutions, including (a) Ecological restoration of Changfen River by improving the natural hydrological and biological functions of the river (river dynamics, self-purification, restoration of the aquatic ecosystems) and by connecting households within the river catchment to the existing wastewater treatment plant; (b) the creation of urban public green spaces, and network of integrated urban and landscape and river banks, for the benefit of the residents of Pingnan including re-greening of the banks with local flora, qualitative street, furniture, viewpoints, pedestrian lanes network.
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Financier: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
Client: The State Water Resources Agency
of Kyrgyz Republic
Duration: 2023 - 2028
The project aims to rehabilitate the irrigation water conveyance infrastructure, including on-farm canals, intake structures, and pumping stations in the Jalalabad, Naryn, and Osh regions of the Kyrgyz Republic.
The project involves the construction and/or rehabilitation of water intakes, pumping stations, main canals, and a distribution network to deliver water from rivers to farmland. As a result of the project, approximately 8,700 hectares of new irrigated land will be available to farmers, creating additional jobs for more than 14,300 rural residents.
Country: China
Financier: French Development Agency (AFD)
Client: Hunan Maoli Lake Daye Ecological
Construction and Development Co., Ltd.
Duration: 2021 – 2024
The project focuses on protecting and restoring biodiversity and its ecosystem, sustainable community development, Maoli Lake eco-tourism and environmental education development, and capacity building.
The project activities included survey, design, bidding document preparation, and construction supervision. The design part of the project is mainly introducing Nature-Based Solutions, including (a) Ecological Treatment of the Lake and connecting stream, (b) ecological restoration for the surrounding forests, (c) wetland park biodiversity protection and flower sea landscaping, (d) waterfront ecological restoration and d) touristic roads, running tracks, and natural trails.
Country: Bangladesh
Financier: CDIA - Asian Development Bank / French Development Agency (AFD)
Client: Chattogram Water and Sewerage
Authority (CWASA)
Duration: 2021 - 2023
Chattogram, the second largest city in Bangladesh with a population of 2.9 million, currently has no sewerage system or wastewater treatment facilities. In line with the Government of Bangladesh’s policy framework to provide 100% sanitation facilities to its citizens, the CWASA has been mandated to provide the necessary services to collect, treat and safely dispose of the wastewater and fecal sludge generated within its service area.
The scope of works under the project included the preparation of the feasibility study and preliminary design for the proposed Chattogram Metropolitan Sewerage Project for North Kattoli Catchment, which will include the climate change assessment, safeguard due diligence, and financial/economic analysis necessary to facilitate the preparation of an AFD investment loan.
Country: Pakistan
Financier: World Bank
Client: Sindh Solid Waste Management Board
Duration: 2022 - 2023
The project's main objective is to propose the most financially feasible, technically viable, and socially/ environmentally acceptable options for producing energy from the 10-12,000 metric tons of municipal solid waste presently being disposed at the two main landfills in Karachi.
The assignment's scope includes defining the baseline by reviewing current waste composition, the sector, and available and appropriate technology options. The project team will consult relevant stakeholders, propose preferred options based on multi-criteria analysis, prepare feasibility studies and conceptual designs, and assist with the technical aspects during project tendering.
Country: Maldives
Financier: Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Client: Alke Alkatas Joint Venture Pvt Ltd
Duration: 2022 - 2023
The Maldivian government is building a regional waste management facility on Thilafushi island to improve the environment and solid waste management system. The facility will include a 500-ton waste-to-energy treatment plant and other components.
NIW has been preparing various documents and plans related to environmental management for the construction works and has provided an Environmental Manager to oversee the on-site implementation.
Country: Philippines
Financier: World Bank
Client: World Bank
Duration: 2022
The study aims to analyze the vulnerabilities of informal waste sector workers in the Philippines, potentially sustainable livelihood and community models, and innovative solutions for vulnerable community groups.
The project aims at identifying and recommending livelihood opportunities for the poorest and most vulnerable groups engaged in plastic waste collection, sorting, recycling, and upcycling. Innovative models/ initiatives (e.g., plastic banks) to support livelihood options for the poorest and most vulnerable working in plastic debris collection and undertake a case study approach to identify and select business models and potential livelihood options.
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